Helton Creek Lower Falls


Image availablility:

This image is available hand printed on Warmtone paper as classic black and white, or firey brown toned (as shown). Small size editions are open and pricing may increase as sales milestones are crossed.

Contact me for ordering or commercial use.

Helton creek falls is a short drive from Blairsville on highway 19, but one must navigate a couple of miles of a single lane dirt road with few turn outs to get there. The falls are clearly visible from the road but the easy quarter mile hike down the trail to the bottom gives one a much greater appreciation for the amount of water moving over the rocks. There is a pool at the base of the falls that vistors some times frolic in. Of course caution should be exercised since this is a rapid flowing creek.

The S-shape seen here can only happen when the water is not flowing heavily. After a heavy rain the water washes straight over the rocks on the right. I waded out toward the center of the pool standing in a couple of inches deep water on a rock that just out from the side. A moderately wide angle lens is needed for these falls to capture top to bottom and plenty of the side. I love the color this image tones to. Instead of a chocolate brown it shifts toward a rich red-brown in the mid tones and comes alive.

Purchase the upper and lower falls together and I will print and tone them to match so they can be displayed together.